
December 20, 2021

Multi-Day Adventure Racing Comes to the PA Wilds!

Experience the PA Wilds like never before with the Endless Mountain Adventure Race. Part wilderness-based triathlon, part Amazing Race, and part team expedition, adventure racing sees teams of racers run, bike, and paddle through an unmarked course, using only a map and compass to complete each stage of the event.

December 16, 2021

New Year, New Adventures in the PA Wilds

Can you believe that the New Year is almost here?! Start your year off with fresh air and amazing views through the annual First Day Hike at the PA Wilds State Parks. Here is the list of all the State Parks in the PA Wilds that are participating in the First Day Hike!

December 13, 2021

The Devil went down to the I-80 Frontier

Lou Bernard introduces author Henry Shoemaker who liked to write down local legends in the Clinton County area. Learn about a Christmas story that was probably not on your childhood bookshelf with "The Devil went down to the I-80 Frontier".

November 22, 2021

Helen Keller visits the PA Wilds

Helen Keller visited the PA Wilds in April of 1926 doing work for American Foundation For The Blind in Williamsport when she made a quick trip to Lock Haven.

November 18, 2021

‘We Watched the Stars’: The Wonder of Our PA Wilds Dark Skies

Inspiring awe and delight, Dark Skies Landscape is home to the world’s second certified International Dark-Sky Park. Cherry Springs State Park is world-famous for being one the best places in the USA for stargazing and the study of astronomy. Learn more about the importance of Dark Skies and the wonders you can find in the night sky at Cherry Springs.

November 16, 2021

Just what is green infrastructure?

Green infrastructure has become a popular term. You may hear it often in conversations regarding flooding, public parks, stormwater runoff management, pollution, and erosion. But just what do we mean when we say green infrastructure?

November 13, 2021

Chapman State Park Hosts NW PA & PA Wilds Local Master Watershed Stewards In Warren County

Northwestern and PA Wilds groups of the Master Watershed Stewards program visit Chapman State Park in Warren to become educated on water health and conservation.

November 4, 2021

SGP presents the David S Ammerman Trail

Even though it's getting too cold to explore the water trails, there are still so many land trails in the PA Wilds along the Susquehanna that are perfect to explore! The Susquehanna Greenway Partnership has you covered with a comprehensive list of land trails that you can explore by region! One of these awesome trails is called David S. Ammerman Trail located in Clearfield County.

November 1, 2021

Spotted Lanternfly: The worst bug in the Commonwealth

The Spotted Lanternfly isn't a moth nor a fly.  It has however been labeled as the worst bug in the Commonwealth. Learn what the Spotted Lanternfly is and how you can help stop the spread of this invasive species.

October 31, 2021

Ghosts of the PA Wilds: Ghosts of Knox

"Ghosts of the PA Wilds" is a series of ghost stories written by historian Lou Bernard, who revels in folklore and the paranormal. The PA Wilds Are Calling blog will feature a new ghost story from the region each Sunday of October. "Ghosts of Knox" talks about a grisly death that occurred in the 1940s in Knox, PA located in the Cook Forest and the Ancients landscape of the PA Wilds.