Ghost hunters teach and inspire at Ross Library
It’s been long established that the Pennsylvania Wilds is one very haunted place. With legends of ghosts appearing throughout the area, from Clinton to Warren Counties, there’s a lot to investigate for interested people.
Many of those interested people turned out on a Thursday night, at the Ross Library in Lock Haven, located along the I-80 Frontier of the Pennsylvania Wilds, to learn more about paranormal investigation.
The Lock Haven Paranormal Seekers (LHPS) were doing a fundraiser for the library, teaching how to investigate the paranormal for the entry fee of five dollars. LHPS is Clinton County’s longest-lasting paranormal investigative team, formed in October 2007. They are also one of the most respected, stressing responsibility and evidence in their investigations.
LHPS makes an effort to prove their research with measurable, documented evidence. This involves measurements of temperature and electrical levels, as well as photographs, video, and audio recordings. The audio, referred to as “Electronic Voice Phenomena” or EVP, is often the best source of possible evidence. LHPS played several of these recordings for the audience, including one of their best.
The recording, from a private building in Lock Haven, was part of a demonstration for a local club. In response to a woman saying that her young daughter would like to play, a whispery voice responds,”Play….With….Meeee.”
LHPS performs free investigations in Clinton and many neighboring counties. They have investigated homes along the I-80- Frontier in Clinton, Centre, Lycoming, and Cameron Counties, always searching for scientific and provable explanations. An investigation from LHPS includes a historic report on the property, and a copy of any information discovered.
The seminar began at six PM. It consisted of an introduction and several lessons: historic research, photography, audio recording, and how to tell a good investigator from a con artist.
“Not everyone who does this is good,” said Kara Barnett Rosa, case manager for the team. “Some of them make up the historic research, or they fake evidence. Some want to find something so badly that they’ll consider anything as evidence of a ghost. The best investigators are trying to rule things out, find out what’s happening, even if it’s not paranormal.”
LHPS has dealt with investigations of that sort, as well, times when the explanation turns out to definitely not be ghosts. Old wiring or loose windows can make a place appear haunted, and LHPS makes an effort to rule those out before jumping to any conclusions.
After the lessons, the audience got to take part in an actual practice investigation. Supervised by the team and using their equipment, participants experienced what a genuine investigation session is like. First, photographs were taken, and then measurements of temperature and electrical activity. After that, participants sat down to do an EVP session, asking questions as the digital recorders picked up possible sounds.
“It was a lot of fun,” one participant commented afterward. “I wish there was more stuff like this around. I’d do this again anytime.”
LHPS is available to do fundraising seminars for nonprofits in the greater Clinton County area, and the team sponsors a haunted tour of Lock Haven every October. They are also available for free investigations of homes and business buildings, and can be contacted at or
There are people out there who experience something they cannot explain and believe they have nowhere to turn. But they actually do. One way or another, LHPS may be able to help.