Outdoor Recreation

September 22, 2023

Forest Fridays: Fall foliage facts

It’s that time of year again when media interest in fall foliage skyrockets, and the topic seems to be a trendy one for news outlets nowadays. Each year, increasing public interest in fall foliage mirrors that of the media, and it seems to come earlier in September as news outlets push for the lead on stories. We delight in the attention that fall foliage brings because it illuminates the enormous importance of our forests. 

September 21, 2023

Outfitting the PA Wilds: Roambler

When you travel, it makes a world of difference to have someone as your guide, showing you the ins and outs of the region and giving you the expertise you need to have the best trip possible. What if you could always have those seasoned guides along for your journeys? That is exactly what Roambler seeks to do. Rambler is an online peer-to-peer listing and booking platform that links customers to experiences. These customers, called “Seekers,” can find people who host experiences, called “Hosts,” throughout Pennsylvania.

September 18, 2023

Celebrate the Allegheny National Forest’s Centennial on September 24, see full schedule of events

The USDA (United State Department of Agriculture) Forest Service is inviting the public to participate in a day of celebration to commemorate one hundred years since the establishment of Allegheny National Forest. Part of the celebration on September 24, 2023, at Twin Lakes Recreation Center will include food trucks and vendors, ceremonial tree planting, ceremonial cake cutting, gathering items to place in a time capsule, guides hikes and history walks, live music, and remarks from officials.

September 14, 2023

Outfitting the PA Wilds: Destination Marketing Organizations

Destination Marketing Organizations (or DMOs) do a wide variety of things to help visitors have an unforgettable experience in the region. They also support outfitters and other businesses that allow travelers to truly have hands-on adventures. DMOs know their areas of the Pennsylvania Wilds inside-out!

September 7, 2023

Outfitting the PA Wilds: Local Historia

When most people think of outfitters, they imagine businesses that will help them explore the wilderness and waterways by offering guided hiking tours or renting kayaks. However, Local Historia helps travelers explore in a different way… by guiding them through history and culture. Local Historia is based in Bellefonte, Centre County, along the I-80 Frontier landscape of the PA Wilds. Local Historia’s mission is to shine light upon the past, connect you with local history through engaging content, walking tours, and other unique experiences.

September 4, 2023

Finding my peace with paddleboarding

Casey Ferry had only tried standup paddleboarding near the shore and only for a few minutes, but that was just enough of a taste to hook her. The woman who allowed her to use her SUP had smoothly glided away out to the middle of the water between the beautiful mountains so effortlessly. Casey's experience that day was not so effortless, but she's not one to shy away from a goal especially once she sets her sights on it.

August 31, 2023

Outfitting the PA Wilds: Sleepy Hollow Outpost

Located in Black Moshannon State Park along the I-80 Frontier landscape of the PA Wilds, Sleepy Hollow Outpost helps travelers find new adventures by renting out kayaks, canoes and stand-up paddle boards. Reasonable prices are important to Sleepy Hollow Outpost, as they want all travelers to be able to afford to explore. Because most customers want just a short ride on Black Moshannon Lake, the outpost rents kayaks, canoes and paddleboards out by the hour. Sleepy Hollow Outpost is one of a few outfitters in the PA Wilds located on public lands, within Black Moshannon State Park.

August 28, 2023

Finding my adventure with paddleboarding

The slogan of the Warren County Visitors Bureau is "Find Your Adventure, Find Your Peace." Casey Ferry, the WCVB executive director, pushed herself outside of her comfort zone and found her adventure when she unexpectedly got the opportunity to try standup paddleboarding for the first time.

August 24, 2023

Outfitting the PA Wilds: Tussey Mountain Outfitters

Interested in everything canoe and kayak related? It’s time for a visit to Tussey Mountain Outfitters, a small, specialty shop in Bellefonte, along the I-80 Frontier landscape of the PA Wilds, with everything They handle sales, rentals, and guided excursions on the nearby Spring Creek and Bald Eagle Creek.

August 17, 2023

Outfitting the PA Wilds: Spring Creek Picnic

Picture this: A perfectly curated tablescape alongside slowly flowing water, underneath the shade of a weeping willow. In the background, the sound of kids playing, ducks quacking, and even a summer concert being performed. It’s the scene that Renea Nichols creates almost weekly through her business Spring Creek Picnics, based in Bellefonte — part of the I-80 Frontier landscape of the PA Wilds.