USDA Forest Service accepting comments on North Country National Scenic Trail reroute proposal
BRADFORD, PA – The Allegheny National Forest is accepting public comments on a proposed reroute of the North Country National Scenic Trail just north of Johnnycake Run on the Bradford Ranger District.
An approximate 600-foot section of the trail climbs a shallow ridge. Uphill seeps have drained down onto the level section of the trail resulting in saturated soils, and in turn, creating standing water. Attempts to drain the water off this level segment of trail have been unsuccessful. The reroute of the trail uphill of the seeps would avoid the water on the trail corridor.
Comments are most helpful if received by February 15, 2021 using any of the following methods:
- Mail: Richard Hatfield, District Ranger, Bradford Ranger District, 29 Forest Service Drive, Bradford, PA 16701
- Fax: (814) 362-2761; ATTN: Rich Hatfield
- Email: Comments must be submitted in Microsoft Office or Adobe Acrobat compatible formats. Include “NCT Johnnycake Run” in the subject line and your name and physical mailing address with your comments.
- Verbal comments will be accepted by phone Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and 12:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. at the Bradford Ranger District office (814) 363-6098.
Comments, including the names and addresses of those who comment, are considered part of the project record and available for public review. Additional information about this project is available here.