PA Wilds Artisan Spotlight: Bernadette Chiaramonte
Artist and Tioga County resident Bernadette Chiaramonte of Edge of the Woods Photography was born and raised in Binghamton, N.Y.
Although she started college seeking a degree in Art Education, Chiaramonte decided it might be more practical to pursue nursing.
“In my heart I always knew I could continue being an artist wherever my journey took me,” she explained.
After graduating from Nursing School at Robert Packer Hospital, she met her husband, Tom, who was her preceptor in a critical care fellowship she was participating in.
“We married and he wanted to raise our family in Wellsboro, PA,” she said, matter-of-factly.
Chiaramonte continued her work in the medical field, employed in the Emergency Room for 20 years at UPMC Wellsboro.
Over the years, she found that her passion for art didn’t dissipate. In fact, it continued to grow.
“Being in the arena of life, death and human misery, I always looked for the beauty in nature,” the artist shared.
Whether she was leaving work at 7 a.m. or dealing with the untimely passing of her veteran son, Chiaramonte has always found solace in nature.
“When I retired, I started to ramp my art and photography up!” she said. “Every photo I take is a blank canvas. I love the enjoyment it gives those who view my photos and my other works of art.”
Chiaramonte most enjoys working with her camera, but she also paints in oils and works with charcoal, solders glass, dabbles in woodwork, and has experience with linocut and silk screening.
“I have been creating sun catchers using my photos and glass most recently,” she said.
A self-described “introvert by choice,” Chiaramonte explained that she spent much of her time drawing and creating as a child.
Today, much of her artwork centers on architecture and nature.
“I think people are in such hurried lives, they never take time to see the small, beautiful simplicity around them!” the artist said. “That’s what I like my art to depict!”
Some of her favorite artists include Auguste Renoir, Elizabeth Vigee Labrun and all the Impressionists – and she also has a taste for realism.
In addition to being a juried artisan in the Wilds Cooperative of Pennsylvania, one of rural Pennsylvania’s largest networks of creative entrepreneurs, Chiaramonte is a member of the Grand Canyon Photography Club and the Audubon Society. When she is not busy with paintbrush or camera in hand, she can be found woodworking, soldering, batiking or gardening.
Learn more about Bernadette Chiaramonte through her WCO member profile or at
One of rural Pennsylvania’s largest networks of creative entrepreneurs, the Wilds Cooperative of Pennsylvania (WCO) is the main program through which small businesses and nonprofits – from artisans to breweries to B&Bs to outfitters to retailers to restaurants to galleries to designers to videographers – engage with the Pennsylvania Wilds brand, networks and platforms. Functionally, the WCO is the listings backbone for the regional visitor site; the product supply line for the PA Wilds Conservation Shops physical and online stores; and the entry point for those looking to team up on PA Wilds licensed products in the market place. The PA Wilds Center promotes the WCO as part of the overall Pennsylvania Wilds experience. The PA Wilds Center promotes the WCO as part of the overall Pennsylvania Wilds experience. Visit to learn more.
Your work is absolutely wonderful. I, too, enjoy nature photography where I find people in so many trees and streams. My sculpture is figurative, thus the figure in so much of nature; can’t get away from it. You have a piece at the W. Hospital that really grabbed my soul. It is of a barn (another love; grew up on a farm my hubster and I returned to) and the light is phenomenal. I don’t know if the evening light is real or some Photoshop to heighten the affect. It is brilliant. I would love to purchase a print! Seriously.
Thanks so much, Elizabeth Downey! I do appreciate your wonderful comment!
I am unsure which barn photo you speak of but if you take time and browse my Facebook page, Edge of the Woods Photography, you can spot which one. My email address is: You can reach me there directly.
Thank you again!