
November 11, 2022

Tree Winterization

Everyone knows that trees change color and drop leaves in autumn, but what else happens in trees when these seasons change? Most wood growth has stopped by mid-summer; flower and leaf buds have been set, and roots store sugar reserves for next year. As days get shorter, they prepare for the cold through a process called acclimatization.

November 3, 2022

Autumn conservation tips: Leave the leaves!

Tired of the endless task of raking the leaves? Well, the Pennsylvania Department of Natural Resources (DCNR) says this is one chore you don't necessarily have to feel guilty about not doing! By leaving the leaves, you’re improving your part of Pennsylvania’s environment.

October 21, 2022

Unsung Heroes of Fall Color

When people think of fall color, maples are often the first species that come to mind. But some years (thankfully these are rare), maples don’t produce good color in Pennsylvania. Fortunately for us, attractive fall color in the Keystone State is ensured by a diverse and remarkable array of other vibrant species, which are often overshadowed by the maples.

October 13, 2022

Mindfulness: What It Is and Why It Matters

To be mindful is to be aware, to be conscious of ourselves, our thoughts, our actions, and of our surroundings. For many of us, we may find ourselves being the most aware when we are in our favorite place, partaking in our favorite activities, exploring the PA Wilds. It is here that to be aware is to be more than awake.

September 21, 2022

DCNR gives guidance on harvesting wild ginseng

As the beginning of ginseng season starts, DCNR is offering some reminders on following the proper guidelines while harvesting wild ginseng. To ensure that these plants are protected from excess harvesting, collection of wild ginseng is only allowed from September 1 to November 30.

September 8, 2022

Summer youth work crew a success in Allegheny National Forest

This summer the USDA Forest Service - Allegheny National Forest hosted two crews of high-school-aged youth to complete six weeks of work in the ANF with hands-on stewardship of the land. One crew was recruited from within Elk County across the Marienville Ranger District and the Ridgway area, and the Bradford Ranger District hosted a crew of high-school-aged youth recruited from Warren and McKean Counties.

August 26, 2022

Is My Tree Dying?

Many readers may be noticing what appears to be early leaf-drop on one or more of their deciduous trees. If your tree appeared healthy about a month ago and is now shedding leaves, chances are good that your tree will be fine.

August 25, 2022

Caring for Medix Run

On Medix Run, about two dozen members of the Pennsylvania Wildlife Habitat Unlimited (PWHU) group met for the annual Medix Run Adopt-a-Stream Project. Fall is definitely in the air as members start removal of boughs, limbs, branches and rocks to enhance flows and maximize habitat for trout and the other species that call this stream home.

August 17, 2022

Buffalo-Nut: A Hemi-Parasitic Shrub

What lives in the Appalachians, grows about 16 feet tall, is oily, smelly, and takes its neighbors’ food? (No, not Bigfoot!) Answer: The native buffalo-nut. This plant parasitizes the roots of many other plant species. It makes most of its own food but relies on other plants for water and nutrients, making it a hemi-parasite.

August 12, 2022

Forest Management: Down to a Science

For forest and lands management, everything comes down to science. Do you ever wonder why some trees are cut, parks have controlled burns or areas are sprayed for invasive insects? As a manager of vast forests, the DCNR Bureau of Forestry is by extension a manager of many living things. Responsible management of a complex ecosystem with an intricate web of life demands decisions based on science to optimize results.