Outdoor Recreation

April 24, 2023

The Hickory Creek Wilderness: Hike, fish, enjoy

In 1984, the United States Congress designated 8,663 acres in Warren County as the Hickory Creek Wilderness. For hikers, the Hickory Creek Trail, which runs through the wilderness, is a rolling, 12-mile loop of easy-to-moderate difficulty that can be completed in approximately five hours. In addition to hiking the area, writer Ralph Scherder shares his experiences of fishing in the streams of the Hickory Creek Wilderness.

April 21, 2023

“Leave No Trace” at your fishing spots this trout season

Trout season is underway, and many people will be headed out to go fishing on the lakes and streams in the Pennsylvania Wilds this year. We ask that anglers help to leave their fishing spots the same as or even better than they found them.

April 10, 2023

ATV permits available and season dates set for ATV Regional Trail Connector Pilot in PA Wilds

The Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) announced that permits for the ATV Regional Trail Connector Pilot in the northcentral region of the state are now available for purchase. This year’s pilot riding area will center upon Potter and Tioga counties, but will also include parts of Clinton and Lycoming counties, in the PA Wilds Dark Skies and I-80 Frontier landscapes. The pilot riding area will open for use on Friday, May 26, 2023, and will remain open until, Sunday, September 24, 2023.

April 7, 2023

Oooh that smell! Collecting ramps or wild leeks

Some people are revolted by the smell and flavor of onions and garlic but to others, it’s the sweet perfume of spring. I’m talking about the love-it-or-hate-it smell and taste of ramps or wild leeks, Allium tricoccum. Ramps, like onions, are a member of the amaryllis family. These potent, pint-sized onion relatives are popular Appalachian table fare as evidenced by the numerous “leek-fests” or “stink-fests” around the region. Leek popularity is growing with the upscale restaurant crowd and farm-to-table culinary circles.

April 5, 2023

Planning your springtime adventure in the PA Wilds

Birds migrating back home, delicate buds appearing on tree branches, the grass returning to a vibrant green color, the birth of fawns and other babies, the smell of rain and sweet flowers… it’s springtime in the Pennsylvania Wilds! Now that the sun is shining and the weather is warmer, check out these popular activities to plan your spring adventure in the PA Wilds.

March 17, 2023

Looking for luck: Four-leaf clovers and shamrock

We all can use a little luck, and sometimes plants come to the rescue. It’s lucky to find four-leaf clovers, a rarity of the typical three-part leaf of white clover, Trifolium repens. This common non-native species is naturalized and planted in lawns and wildlife food plots. The shamrock associated with St. Patrick’s Day is another lucky plant. The word shamrock comes from the Irish word seamair, meaning “young clover."

March 14, 2023

Forest bathing in the PA Wilds

Going into the forest and immersing yourself in the forest atmosphere is what the Japanese call shinrin-yoku or forest bathing. This practice was actually encouraged by their government back in the 80’s. Between then and now, much research on forest bathing has revealed that it is extremely beneficial for us — physically and mentally. And shinrin-yoku has since become popular in many countries, including the United States.

March 8, 2023

Up to Hyner View

On a high peak in Chapman Township, you can see for miles up and down the Susquehanna River valley. At the top of the mountain, Hyner View State Park is 1,940 feet above sea level. It’s above Route 120, and if you want to see a lot of the Elk Country landscape all at once, this is the place to go.

February 13, 2023

Pennsylvania Wilds Astronomy Club offers free membership, welcoming all skill levels of stargazers

A new club focused on studying the sky, called the Pennsylvania Wilds Astronomy Club, has formed in north-central Pennsylvania and is now accepting members! The club welcomes members from anywhere in the Pennsylvania Wilds, a 13-county region of Warren, McKean, Potter, Tioga, Lycoming, Clinton, Elk, Cameron, Forest, Clearfield, Clarion, Jefferson and northern Centre Counties.

January 23, 2023

Bike the Wilds: Find your loop along PA Route 6

Spanning Pennsylvania’s northern tier, PA Route 6 is one of the country’s oldest transcontinental highways. It’s also a great place to cycle. To welcome riders to this region, PA Route 6 Alliance, a state-designated Heritage Area, has recently unveiled a series of loops that showcase some of the best cycling along Route 6, including loops in four counties that are part of the PA Wilds: Warren, McKean, Potter, and Tioga.