
November 1, 2023

Returning a lost species to the Wilds

The American marten was once a common native species within all of PA’s forests, which would have been the majority of the state at one time.  Lost through habitat destruction and unregulated harvest, the marten vanished out of the minds of Pennsylvanians generations separated from those that remembered them.  The Pennsylvania Game Commission, in association with a variety of partners, is considering their return. 

October 27, 2023

Forest Fridays: Toot toot, trumpets of the dead

As Halloween approaches and we head out to the woods for brisk hikes in search of game and spectacular views, keep an eye out for a brass band from the beyond. Look to the ground for small horns played by the departed from six feet under. Of course, I’m talking about Craterellus fallax, the trumpet of the dead (aka black chanterelle, Eastern black trumpet, or the horn of plenty).

October 26, 2023

How to give your jack-o-lantern back to nature

Send that jack-o-lantern back to nature! Pumpkins and their seeds can be nutritious snacks for birds and backyard critters. Your local wildlife will love this seasonal treat. If you want to share your pumpkins and jack-o-lanterns with wildlife this season, consider these tips to be sure they are safe for wildlife and the environment.

October 20, 2023

Fossil Fri-YAY! – The Brachiopod

The most common fossils found in Pennsylvania are of the phylum Brachiopoda, coming from the Greek “brachion” meaning ‘arm’ and “podus” meaning ‘foot’, and  better known as brachiopods (BRAK-ee-oh-pods). These marine invertebrates were among the first in the Earth’s oceans during the Cambrian period, 550 million years ago. They reigned as the most common shelled marine invertebrates on the planet for the next 300 million years during the Paleozoic (meaning “ancient life”)  Era, which ended with the Permian Extinction just before the rise of the dinosaurs. During the Paleozoic, brachiopods were commonly found in warm, shallow waters – indicating that Pennsylvania was underwater at least once during the geologic past.

October 6, 2023

Forest Fridays: Fall in the forest

The waning productivity of the garden, heavy morning dew, and slight blush of color in the forest are indicating fall is here, to the delight of many autumn enthusiasts. But why do we love the fall so much? Perhaps it’s engrained in us to celebrate what is typically the “season of abundance”. Maybe it’s the unspoken idea that the hardest work of the growing season is over and it’s now time to enjoy it. For some, it’s the gorgeous fall color, the sweet smell of the leaves, and seasonable temperatures that make it so enjoyable.

October 3, 2023

414 acres of forestland added to Elk State Forest in Cameron County

There is now more land in Cameron County (at the overlap of the Elk Country landscape and Dark Skies landscape of the PA Wilds) for hikers to explore and wildlife to thrive, thanks to the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy’s permanent protection of 414 acres of forestland in Gibson Township. The property was immediately conveyed to the PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) to become a new addition to Elk State Forest, one of several popular state forests in the PA Wilds that safeguards water quality, large forests and wildlife habitat for many species including deer, black bear and elk.

September 22, 2023

Forest Fridays: Fall foliage facts

It’s that time of year again when media interest in fall foliage skyrockets, and the topic seems to be a trendy one for news outlets nowadays. Each year, increasing public interest in fall foliage mirrors that of the media, and it seems to come earlier in September as news outlets push for the lead on stories. We delight in the attention that fall foliage brings because it illuminates the enormous importance of our forests. 

September 18, 2023

Celebrate the Allegheny National Forest’s Centennial on September 24, see full schedule of events

The USDA (United State Department of Agriculture) Forest Service is inviting the public to participate in a day of celebration to commemorate one hundred years since the establishment of Allegheny National Forest. Part of the celebration on September 24, 2023, at Twin Lakes Recreation Center will include food trucks and vendors, ceremonial tree planting, ceremonial cake cutting, gathering items to place in a time capsule, guides hikes and history walks, live music, and remarks from officials.

September 13, 2023

Medix Run – revitalizing a treasure in the PA Wilds

On a stunningly beautiful August Saturday, a dozen or so members of the Pennsylvania Wildlife Habitat Unlimited (PWHU) group met for our annual Medix Run Adopt-a-Stream Project. Every year since 1990, this dedicated group of PA conservationists convenes streamside at Medix Run to restore and reinforce sections of this beautiful sanctuary.

September 1, 2023

Forest Fridays: Improving your plant ID skills

September is national self-improvement month. If you're looking for a fun hobby to improve, how about honing your skills in plant identification? Each species tells a story and knowing the name is only the beginning. Once you know the common and scientific names, the story can include where the plant comes from, its native or non-native status, its relationship and value to pollinators, and dispersal mechanisms, for example. You may also learn how the plant has been used by native and foreign cultures, how and why it was so named, its role in the ecosystem, and whether or not it is poisonous or irritating to the skin.