Outdoor Recreation

September 16, 2024

Last swim

Quick is usually best. A deep breath, a plunge and the cool September water laughs and envelops me one last time. Everything feels sharp and alive. The smooth stones slip by below and newly browned and yellowed leaves ride the surface with me as we journey together for a while. Eventually their delicate veins will slip beneath the surface as mine have now, marveling at late afternoon slant of light on stone and branch and leaf now resting below.

September 10, 2024

September in the PA Wilds – a new beginning

At last, autumn is here with all its trimmings, It is THE perfect time for NEW beginnings! Our good Mother Nature is putting on quite a show, With spectacular colors, from Warren to Wellsboro! A poem celebrating the seasonal change that comes in September, written by Ed Byers.

September 9, 2024

A climb with Van Wagner in Jefferson County

Van Wagner arrived, ready to make his 53rd tree climb as part of his mission to climb the tallest of trees at the highest elevation in each of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties. His goals include raising awareness about the importance of forests, the connection they hold to our heritage, and the jobs, habitat, and many other benefits that come from sustainable forest management practices today.

September 2, 2024

Why Pennsylvania’s fall foliage season is the most beautiful

Each year, hundreds of thousands of travelers make their way to the Pennsylvania Wilds, eager to get a view of some of the most gorgeous fall foliage in the world. These “leaf peepers,” as they’re called, know there’s something special about Pennsylvania’s autumn leaves… scientifically, Pennsylvania is a prime viewing spot.

August 26, 2024

What is fishing really about?

Ask a hundred anglers why they fish and you’ll likely get a hundred different responses. Some might put emphasis on catching dinner while others are looking for a way to enjoy the outdoors with friends or by themselves. I’ve always been curious, though, why anglers, when asked why they fish, don’t unanimously state that it’s about the fish. After all, without the fish, there would be no fishing.

August 7, 2024

Beyond the Dirt

One of the simplest ways to improve our mental health is to get outside. Simply sitting outdoors or taking a stroll has been a documented medical benefit for decades. Locally, we are lucky enough to have access to all of these spaces. We also have mental health professionals and outdoor enthusiasts who are working to provide events in these unique, remote, spaces. Two such people are Jeff and Lyndsey Weidow, a married couple who have a unique and particular viewpoint for such events.  Jeff is the organizer of the Beyond the Dirt event and founder of Project Pedal. 

July 25, 2024

Tips for photographing and releasing fish

When you catch a nice trout or bass, it’s only natural to want a photo to commemorate the moment, show friends, or share on social media. All are great reasons to photograph your catch. However, this process can be stressful for fish, and even though they are released afterwards, many can die hours or even days later from being mishandled for the sake of a picture. It doesn’t have to be that way. Following are a few basic guidelines to ensure great photos as well as healthy fish that live to fight another day.

July 23, 2024

Learning to camp, PA Wilds style

I’ll never forget my first time camping out. It was the summer of 1973, and my parents had just bought a brand new Ford Pinto hatchback. It was shimmering dark green with a white leather interior... the ultimate economy SUV of the time. My sister and I especially liked the cavernous back seat, which when folded down, turned into a traveling playroom with a glass ceiling.

July 18, 2024

Staying cool in the PA Wilds during the summer heat

The kids are out of school, the leaves are green, the vacations are planned… and the temperature is way too hot! We have a few tips for staying cool in the summer heat.

July 17, 2024

Get the picture? Outdoor photo advice from the PA Wilds’ photo pros

You gotta love Facebook and Instagram for the endless supply of picture-perfect photos of the vast Pennsylvania Wilds. Opening my phone or laptop every morning provides a daily diet of beautiful pictures from all over the Wilds. Some images come from the pros, while most others come from amateur photographers like you and me.