Economic Development

July 19, 2022

Local Legends of Lumbering, new video series by LHR

Have you ever wondered what a day in the life of a Forest Products Industry worker looks like? The Lumber Heritage Region funded by DCNR’s partnership grant has produced its first round of Local Legends of Lumbering video series. The PA Wilds region is part of the Lumber Heritage Region, a 15-county region in North Central/Western Pennsylvania that is one of 12 Pennsylvania State Heritage Areas and seeks to celebrate the past, present, and future of Pennsylvania's Lumber Industry.

July 13, 2022

Welcome the Bellefonte Wilds Are Working participants

For five newcomers to Bellefonte, their average workday has suddenly become something extraordinary. Meet the participants of “The Wilds Are Working: A Remote Lifestyle Experience,” an initiative that offers remote workers the opportunity to live and work in the towns in the PA Wilds. A warm PA Wilds welcome to Patrick, Mandy, Jonathan, Nora and Virginia!

June 30, 2022

Celebrating our Partners: Visitors and the PA Wilds Center Team

Our final Great Outdoors Month gratitude post goes to our visitors, and to the dedicated Board, staff and core contractors who support the PA Wilds effort, day in and day out. It takes a special group to found, structure, fund and build a regional nonprofit dedicated to advancing generational, transformational work in a distressed rural landscape.

June 29, 2022

Celebrating our Partners: PA Wilds Planning Team, Municipalities, Elected Officials

Today’s Great Outdoors Month gratitude post goes to the PA Wilds Planning Team and the many county and municipal partners and elected officials who are helping us grow the outdoor rec economy in the PA Wilds to revitalize rural communities.

June 28, 2022

Celebrating our Partners: Corporate and Workforce Collaborators

Today’s Great Outdoors Month gratitude post goes to our many corporate and workforce partners who are helping us revitalize rural communities through outdoor rec development!

June 27, 2022

Celebrating our Partners: Philanthropic and National Partners

Today’s Great Outdoors Month gratitude post goes to our philanthropic and national partners who are helping us revitalize rural communities in the PA Wilds by growing the region’s outdoor recreation economy.

June 25, 2022

Celebrating our Partners: Heritage and Nonprofit Partners

Today's Great Outdoors Month post goes to the many heritage and nonprofit partners who are helping to grow the outdoor economy in the PA Wilds. Under BBBRC, several of these partners would complete projects in their wheelhouses that would grow the region's outdoor rec industry cluster, such as installing bike repair stations along Route 6, doing an assessment of the PA Wilds as a cycling destination, completing the Brady Tunnel project (a top-10 PA trail gap), bringing new hiking guidebooks to market, and more!

June 21, 2022

Celebrating our Partners: Artisans and Makers

The PA Wilds outdoor rec cluster includes hundreds of artisans and makers. Although we don't have space here to write about all of these entrepreneurs (that's what is for!), we're taking a moment to highlight one in Cameron County, Rich Valley Apiary and Rich Valley Wines.

June 20, 2022

Celebrating our Partners: Business Service Providers

Today’s Great Outdoors Month gratitude post goes to the robust network of business service providers that work with us to grow the region’s outdoor rec economy. As rural businesses or entrepreneurs involved in our ecosystem look to start or expand, we connect them to this network for technical assistance, to explore financing options, and for professional development opportunities.

June 15, 2022

Celebrating our Partners: Breweries, Distilleries and Wineries

Tourism spending in the PA Wilds has grown 46% over the last decade, supporting the startup and expansion of many breweries, distilleries, and wineries. These job and wealth creators help make rural communities more vibrant, and play a key role in growing the region’s outdoor rec economy by serving visitors and promoting local and regional recreation and cultural assets as part of their brands. Many have done inspired co-branding projects with the PA Wilds.