

September 12, 2024

The Allure of the Allegheny National Forest and the Surrounds

I was born in Oil City, Pennsylvania, and lived in the Guys Mills area for a few years before work took my parents out of the state and ultimately back to Virginia, their home. My parents thought a gap year program might benefit me, which is what brought me back to Pennsylvania - specifically, Spring Creek. My plan was to stay in PA for only a few months and then head back to Virginia, but apparently it wasn’t meant to be. Twenty-four years later, I still call Spring Creek, Pennsylvania home. I never left, and I don't think I ever will. 

September 10, 2024

September in the PA Wilds – a new beginning

At last, autumn is here with all its trimmings, It is THE perfect time for NEW beginnings! Our good Mother Nature is putting on quite a show, With spectacular colors, from Warren to Wellsboro! A poem celebrating the seasonal change that comes in September, written by Ed Byers.

September 9, 2024

A climb with Van Wagner in Jefferson County

Van Wagner arrived, ready to make his 53rd tree climb as part of his mission to climb the tallest of trees at the highest elevation in each of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties. His goals include raising awareness about the importance of forests, the connection they hold to our heritage, and the jobs, habitat, and many other benefits that come from sustainable forest management practices today.

September 4, 2024

Smokey Bear turned 80 years old!

If you think you’re getting old, look no further than our beloved Smokey Bear for affirmation. On August 9th, 2024, Smokey turned 80 years old! So to recognize his birthday, I thought I’d recount his distinguished career and update his enduring message during this year of extreme wildfire behavior and unprecedented warm temperatures. If you were born after 1940 or so, Smokey Bear has been around as long as you can remember. Whether you first saw him strutting in a parade, campaigning on TV, or posing for one of his many posters, Smokey has had a full life campaigning against the dangers of wildfire.

September 3, 2024

A Watershed Moment: Among the Flowers

Among the flowers and weeds, somewhere in between, is where I sit; hidden under their leaves and holding onto their stems. With whom do I belong? For which one am I? Read this poem about being among the flowers in nature, written by Laurie Barrett for The Watershed Journal.

September 2, 2024

Why Pennsylvania’s fall foliage season is the most beautiful

Each year, hundreds of thousands of travelers make their way to the Pennsylvania Wilds, eager to get a view of some of the most gorgeous fall foliage in the world. These “leaf peepers,” as they’re called, know there’s something special about Pennsylvania’s autumn leaves… scientifically, Pennsylvania is a prime viewing spot.

August 30, 2024

Forest Fridays: Roadside treasures

On a late summer day in Sproul State Forest, a colleague and I were monitoring for invasive plants from a vehicle along some state forest roads. We slowly drove with windows down and eyes peeled for invasive species that don’t belong. Oftentimes, due to previous disturbance, these species have taken hold and we do everything in our power to rapidly eradicate them. Although we often find what we don’t want to see, it is amazing how this level of scrutiny reveals many hidden native plant surprises.

August 28, 2024

A haunted tour of Lock Haven in the I-80 Frontier

I’ve been working with my current PA Wilds editor, Britt Madera, for a few years now. She’s been a great editor and I enjoy working with her, so when she asked for a haunted tour of Lock Haven, I immediately agreed. She didn’t just ask me randomly - I give tours of Lock Haven all the time. It’s one of the things I’m good at.

August 26, 2024

What is fishing really about?

Ask a hundred anglers why they fish and you’ll likely get a hundred different responses. Some might put emphasis on catching dinner while others are looking for a way to enjoy the outdoors with friends or by themselves. I’ve always been curious, though, why anglers, when asked why they fish, don’t unanimously state that it’s about the fish. After all, without the fish, there would be no fishing.

August 23, 2024

Forest Fridays: The Incident Management Team response in Westfield, PA

The worst of the remnants of Hurricane Debby passed through Pennsylvania on Friday, August 9, 2024. Although much of the Commonwealth received some much-needed rain, other areas received too much in too short a time. Such was the case in the Cowanesque Valley in northern Tioga County, where four to six inches of rain triggered massive flooding, wiping out homes, businesses, and turning life upside down for many in the town of Westfield (population approximately 1,200).