July 17, 2023

The Goat Fort: Indoor climbing adventures for all ages

Founded out of a passion for the art of climbing, The Goat Fort is an indoor rock climbing gym located in Warren that specializes in bouldering. Bouldering, a form of rock climbing that emphasizes movement and navigating routes, typically is completed by climbers without ropes. While traditional rock climbing often puts attention on height, bouldering instead focuses on the sequences of moves – called “problems” – by looking at how to navigate balance, technique, flexibility, and the ability to problem-solve.

April 21, 2022

CleanScapes shows how little acts can make a big difference.

As spring slowly comes to the PA Wilds, a CleanScapes member reflects on how she started a small act of stewardship in her neighborhood, and how that made her community and natural space a little more beautiful.

April 5, 2022

Remote work initiative launches in Pennsylvania Wilds community

Piloting in summer 2022 in the PA Wilds community of Bellefonte, The Wilds Are Working: A Remote Lifestyle Experience will allow remote workers to live, work, volunteer, and explore all that the rural area has to offer. Applications are now open through April 30 to participate in the July 2022 Remote Lifestyle Experience.

February 9, 2022

PA Wilds now seeking 2022 Champion Award nominations

Do you know of an individual, organization, community, or businesses that in the last year has helped to grow and sustainably develop the outdoor recreation economy and nature tourism in the PA Wilds? Nominate them for a PA Wilds Champion Award!

September 3, 2021

Seeking a PA Wilds brewery? Look no further.

Are you the type who is always seeking out the next best brew? These PA Wilds breweries bring freshly-made beers to a whole new level, and they’re within a stone’s throw of some of the Commonwealth’s best outdoor experiences.

August 12, 2021

Hike United This Month and Celebrate Togetherness in the Outdoors

The Outdoor Advocacy Project, Women Who Hike, In Solidarity Project and Latino Outdoors have collaborated to launch #HikeUnited21, an event taking place throughout August 2021 that is designed to get people out on the trails. There’s no specific date, trail or distance required to participate. The goal is simple: bring people together outdoors.

February 2, 2021

Find your next adventure with the new PA Wilds Outdoor Discovery Atlas

The brand new PA Wilds Outdoor Discovery Atlas is the go-to tool for anyone looking to explore the wonders of the PA Wilds. A print companion to pawilds.com, the 50+ page atlas provides inspiration, navigable maps and pertinent travel information for your next trip!

November 13, 2020

Find the perfect gifts in the PA Wilds

Whether you’ve already begun shopping or you’re just getting started, you can easily make an impression on a loved one with a special gift while also making an impact on rural small businesses by shopping local in the PA Wilds.

September 25, 2020

Celebrate National Public Lands Day in the PA Wilds

This year, National Public Lands Day falls on September 26. This massive effort seeks to get people involved in preserving public spaces, and in so the effort helps governmental agencies tasked with managing the lands with finite resources.

June 3, 2020

PA Wilds Conservation Shop at Kinzua Bridge reopens June 4 with modified hours, safety procedures

The PA Wilds Conservation Shop at Kinzua Bridge State Park will reopen on Thursday, June 4, with modified hours and new safety procedures after a brief closure due to COVID-19.