2021 Riparian Forest Buffer webinars are now available
DCNR’s 2021 Riparian Forest Buffer Summit webinars are now available online.
The 2021 Riparian Forest Buffer Summit offered sessions on the latest riparian forest buffer science, outreach and implementation strategies, funding options, and more.
These recorded webinars are now available to watch on the Pennsylvania Clean Water Academy website.
The series consists of 15 webinars with about 11 hours of content, including:
- Planting forests, not just trees
- Empowering landowners to improve water quality
- DCNR’s new lawn conversion program
- Buffers for game species
- Strategic priorities for watershed restoration
These resources are helpful to waterway conservationists and landowners who want to improve the health of their local waterways.
Forest buffers are the trees, shrubs, and grasses planted along streams that play an important role in maintaining the health of our waterways. Technically known as riparian forest buffers, they serve as a transition from land to water. Riparian forests act as filters for the sediments and pollutants from farm fields, residential lawns, and roadways to help keep them from reaching the water. Learn more about riparian buffers on the DCNR website.
The commonwealth has a goal of planting 95,000 acres of riparian forest buffers statewide by 2025 to improve waterways in Pennsylvania and the Chesapeake Bay.